Summer 2024

Thank you to all those of you who came to visit during the Open Studios. This Summer I’m mostly painting commissions and enjoying the glory of the North Yorkshire coast when the sun shines. And I will try to update this site with my new paintings soon…

If you like my style and you would like me to create a painting for you and your wall, please get in touch, as I’ll be able to take on new commissions in September. I hope you have a good Summer, wherever you are.

Oil on canvas, 90x90cm. Commissioned by P.H. for J.

Summer 2022.

Ramsdale Revisited. oil on canvas, 60x120cm.

The weeks do fly by, and especially in Summer. Between time in the garden, re-sourcing and re-grounding, I’ve been painting commissions, including the one above, to bring a bit of North Yorkshire to a charming couple’s southern garden room.

And for those interested in my local environment, here is the link to the commissions I was painting at the beginning of the year for the CPRE (the countryside charity). Click on the PDF to see the full report, including my watercolours:

Here is a finished commission, now in its new home.
For his wife’s birthday, someone wanted a painting of Robin Hood’s Bay, with a fox!
It was kept as a surprise and revealed today.
She wrote:” if I was to paint a picture in my mind of my favourite view from one of our visits to RHB, including my love of foxes, your painting would be it! I absolutely love it.”
Commissions can be a bit daunting, but it’s such a good feeling…

Summer does go quickly…

I have spent a lot of time in my garden. It earths me. So when it’s warm and sunny, I am outside with the flowers. But of course I still find time to paint. I recently finished this commission. There is a wonderful couple, who love my artwork, and also love where they live. They bought their house because of the view. A few years ago, they commissioned a painting of the view from their house, and this year they commissioned the view from an upstairs window. It was a delight to immerse myself into such a peaceful landscape.
