I’ve been so lucky this year: a commission every month, from January to July!
I’ll be open to new commissions from September.
My latest commission, for a lovely couple, to celebrate her 75th birthday, and to have sunny days on their wall everyday:
Ebbing Tide Revisited, Robin Hood’s Bay.
oil on canvas, 50x70cm.

I love bluebells and in May, between commissions, I painted this sunset. My only painting of bluebells this year, it is rather dark and moody. Someone said his mother used to live in a cottage in these woods, and had to walk to school along those paths. It could feel a bit scary if you were a little girl and, with the Little Red Riding Hood story in your mind, you imagined that a wolf may be hiding amongst the trees…
Someone was very interested in this painting, so I told him I would reserve it for him for as long as he needed to decide (I really like it, so I was happy to keep it on my wall).
A couple of months later, he has decided that he definitely really likes it. (happy little dance).